Australian Motor Body
Repairers Association (AMBRA)
A National Industry Sector Committee of the Motor Trades Association of Australia

Fields marked with * are required

Section One:

Section Two: Issue/Concern

If your issue or concern relates to a problem accessing repair information please scroll ahead to Section Three of the survey.

If your issue or concern relates to a franchising agreement, potential unconscionable conduct, potential abuse of market power, small business imposition, licensing, standards, etcetera please detail this is the box below. Please be as specific as possible. You may then scroll ahead to the end of the survey and Submit your response.

Section Three:

Repair Information

Describe the incident including as much detail as you can:

  • How the car came to you(Consumer choice, long term customer, referral from other provider etc.)
  • How was the consumer affected?
  • The cost to the consumer?
  • How long the consumer was or still is without their vehicle?
  • Current status?

Tell us about yourself and your business:

  • How long have you been operating for?
  • How many are employed in your business?
  • Are you part of Group of Companies or franchisee?
  • Are you independent?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, please enter the validation code and click submit.

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